DHEC Funded Watershed Based Plans
A watershed-based plan can enhance or augment a source water protection (SWP) plan in that it encompasses the entire watershed that impacts the supply source, as well as the delineated source water protection area. Once a watershed-based plan is in place, it becomes the guidance and framework for any water quality improvement activities in that watershed. Having a watershed-based plan in place opens up additional funding opportunities for Section 319 grants to implement nonpoint source-reduction projects identified in the watershed-based plan.
National Water Quality Initiative
The NWQI is a partnership that exists between the NRCS, state water quality agencies, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that works to locate impaired water bodies and address water quality concerns through voluntary conservation.
Through this partnership, the NRCS provides financial and technical assistance in small agricultural watersheds that are most in need.
This years Planning Watersheds are:
HUC-030402011102 Smith Swamp
HUC-030501091103 Big Creek-Little Saluda River
HUC-030501091104 Upper Saluda River
HUC-030502030305 Upper Caw Caw Swamp